Shoulder pain can be a major inconvenience and can hinder daily activities, especially if it is caused by shoulder impingement syndrome. It’s a condition also known as subacromial impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tendinitis. It impacts athletes, particularly individuals involved in sports that require repetitive overhead actions like swimming, tennis, and weightlifting.

The tendons that make up the rotator cuff are pivotal in stabilizing the shoulder joint and facilitating seamless movement. When these tendons become compressed or pinched, they can become inflamed and lead to pain. This compression is often caused by structural abnormalities in the shoulder joint, such as bone spurs or a curved acromion (the bony projection at the top of the shoulder blade).

Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement SyndromeSymptoms are commonly characterized by pain in the affected shoulder.  This pain may be sharp or dull, and it can worsen with certain movements or activities. Other symptoms may include:

  • Stiffness in the shoulder joint
  • Weakness in the affected arm
  • Difficulty reaching or lifting objects
  • Pain that extends from the shoulder to the arm

If left untreated, shoulder impingement syndrome can also lead to more severe symptoms, such as:

  • Restricted mobility within the shoulder joint
  • Tenderness and swelling around the affected area
  • Numbness or tingling in the arm or hand
  • Weakness in the affected arm and shoulder muscles
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain and discomfort

How Does It Impact Daily Life?

Shoulder impingement syndrome can significantly impact daily life for those who are affected by it. The pain and limited range of motion can make simple tasks, such as getting dressed or lifting objects, difficult and painful.

This condition can also hinder participation in sports and physical activities, which can be frustrating for those who are active or rely on their physical abilities for work. In severe cases, shoulder impingement syndrome may even lead to missed days of work or the need for a career change.

How Is It Diagnosed?

If you have symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome, it is crucial to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor will also conduct a physical exam and may request imaging tests like an X-ray or MRI to confirm the diagnosis.

During the physical exam, your doctor may also test your range of motion and strength in the affected shoulder. This can help determine the severity of your condition and guide treatment options.

Can A Chiropractor Help With Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?


Can A Chiropractor Help With Shoulder Impingement SyndromeYes, chiropractors can play a significant role in helping individuals with syndrome of impingement on the shoulder. Shoulder tendinitis is a syndrome that develops when the tendons of the shoulder become irritated and inflamed, causing pain and limited range of motion. 


Chiropractic treatment is a natural, drug-free method of managing and alleviating shoulder impingement symptoms.


Chiropractors can help by:


  • Spinal Adjustments
  • Manual Therapy
  • Exercise and Rehabilitation
  • Posture Correction
  • Pain Management


While chiropractic care can benefit many individuals with shoulder impingement, consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most appropriate and comprehensive treatment plan for your specific condition. Chiropractic care is often part of a multidisciplinary approach to address shoulder impingement effectively.


What Is The Standard Treatment For Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?


The standard treatment for shoulder impingement syndrome typically involves a combination of conservative therapies to reduce pain and inflammation, improve shoulder function, and prevent recurrence. These treatments include:


  • Rest and Activity Modification
  • Physical Therapy
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Medications
  • Corticosteroid Injections
  • Heat and Cold Therapy
  • Posture Correction
  • Home Exercises
  • Ergonomic Adjustments


In instances where more conservative treatments do not produce the desired results, or when the condition is severe, surgical intervention may be considered to relieve impingement and repair any structural damage within the shoulder joint. 


Treatment choice depends on the individual’s symptoms, the underlying causes of impingement, and the healthcare provider’s assessment. Care provided by chiropractors can frequently play a pivotal role in a comprehensive treatment plan for shoulder impingement, addressing musculoskeletal issues that may contribute to the condition.


How Long Does A Shoulder Impingement Take To Heal With Physical Therapy?


How Long Does A Shoulder Impingement Take To Heal With Physical TherapyThe duration for healing a shoulder impingement with physical therapy can vary depending on a number of aspects, such as the gravity of the disease, the person’s overall health, and their lifestyle adherence to the treatment plan, and overall health. In many cases, patients may experience relief within a few weeks of consistent physical therapy. However, full recovery may take several months.


A physical therapy program for shoulder impingement typically aims to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, the muscles that surround the shoulder joint should be strengthened, and correct contributing factors like poor posture or muscle imbalances.The therapist will make adjustments to the treatment plan in accordance with the patient’s specific needs.


Following the prescribed exercises and attending therapy sessions regularly is important to achieve the best results. Patients are often encouraged to continue home exercises after completing their formal physical therapy program to maintain shoulder health and prevent recurrence. Consult a medical professional practitioner for specific instructions on managing shoulder impingement.

Get Help from a Professional Chiropractor for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome! 

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome can be a painful and debilitating condition, but with the help of chiropractic care, relief and improved function are possible. With adjustments, manual therapy, exercises, and addressing contributing factors, a chiropractor can provide a comprehensive treatment plan for patients suffering from this condition.

If you or someone you know is experiencing shoulder pain or limited mobility due to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, consider seeking chiropractic care for a non-invasive and effective treatment option. Remember, taking care of our bodies now can prevent future injuries and improve our overall quality of life. A healthy shoulder joint is essential for performing daily activities and maintaining an active lifestyle. 

With the right approach, you can be on your way to a healthier and pain-free shoulder joint. So don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our licensed chiropractor at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic today! We are dedicated to helping you achieve your optimal health and wellness. 


Reach Out To Our Office Today!

Contact Peak Potential Family Chiropractic today for a complimentary consultation. We would love to discuss what issues you may have and create a plan of action to get you back to a healthy lifestyle.

Client Testimonials

I’ve had chronic back pain since a car accident left me with multiple herniated discs. After years of feeling like I was on an assembly line with chiropractic care and PT, Dr. Paige was the first doctor to actually want to fix my back and not just treat it. She and Dr. Charlie are both so kind and knowledgeable. Their office is warm, inviting, and child-friendly. Would totally recommend to anyone looking for chiropractic care in the area!

Jessilyn L.
Great experience and the staff is very friendly. Dr. Paige took her time to explain my issues and go over the program. I’ve noticed a significant difference in my issues and expect to continue to have progress. Highly recommend.
Kara E.
Awesome service and care. The results was visible immediately for me, I would recommend anytime. When you walk in, you feel like family.
Their work shows wonderful results.
Yisel R.
Dr. Charlie & Dr. Paige are fantastic! I have been having neck issues for about a year and since I began treatment with them I have noticed some big improvements. They do an excellent job explaining things and helping their patients the best they can. They are also very welcoming and professional, highly recommend!
Frank P.